Thursday, February 24, 2011

Because You're My Friend...

Do you have a friend whose fashion sense isn't exactly easy on the eyes? Or do you have that friend that leaves little to the imagination? When you go out in public, are you embarrassed to walk next to them or even be associated with them? Have you ever felt like it was your responsibility, your duty, to tell that friend the truth about their style or manners?

When I asked my brother ( a laid back and almost passive person ) he replied " No, I mean I would tell them but people will do what they want to do and you're there just along for the ride." Now does that sound like much help? Not to me.

In my opinion there are just some things you CANNOT do while you're out with me. Whether its using profanity whenever you open your mouth, wearing the most outrageous outfit either too revealing or too costume-like (yes I've seen it), bad-breath, being way too loud, or just having bad manners period, I WILL call you on it and I won't go anywhere with you again until you fix the problem. Some may think its mean, but in the long run, breaking these habits and traits NOW will help you succeed LATER.

So let me ask you, Do you think you have social responsibility over your friends?


Monday, February 7, 2011

Music: The Changing Standard

Now, I think that it is pretty safe to say that over the years, music has changed. However, in the eyes, or rather ears of the beholder, this can be seen as a good or bad thing. What people my age refer to, "back in the day" which is really the 90s, most music had some kind of theme to them. Mostly social issues that (back then) were taboo to say aloud, let alone sing or rap about them. Love, dislike, differences, poverty, feuds, gangs and drugs, these were common ideals and themes to songs in the 90s and even before then. However, this has changed. It believe that it is pretty safe to say that a vast majority of the songs out on the market today talk about sex and drugs. (In fact one of my friend's mom said that songs nowadays "Leave nothing for the imagination!") Is this true or false? Is this good or bad?

Nowadays, a song may have been released in the summertime, but by the time fall hits, any mention of it cause the response "That song is soo old." Not saying that I am exception to it, but I am very aware of the attitude in which I'm am speaking of. On the other hand, my peers know a lot more songs from the 90s than adults give us credit for. We know songs by Marvin Gay, TLC, and of course Tupac, and even though they are waay older than a song that was released last summer, we treat it like its newly released. What does this say? Songs from the 90s and before, have the unique ability to stand the test of time. Songs of "our" era have lost this ability. They are a fad, not a fashion as some would say.

So, I have one more question... What do you think?